Night Owl Optics 5-Power NOXM50 Night Vision Monocular Review
The extended-body of 5-power night vision Night Owl’s liberates advance magnification in order to serve better image resolution and super accurate recognition of distant targets. NOXM50 Night Vision Monocular is high-quality intensifier tube primarily designed for comfort and easy operation of both power and infrared buttons.Built-in columnated infrared illuminator for use in complete darkness or to improve target recognition in any environment. The objective and ocular lenses are constructed of high quality all-glass optics along with smooth rubberized protective finish. The lens housing of NOXM50 is impact resistant molded thermoplastic. Durability along with safety is well maintained in NOXM50.
The Night Owl Optics 5 contains a manual focus design with 50 mm lens diameter and 35 lp/mm resolution on center. With such a lens diameter, you can cover a really wide target. The spectral sensitivity is 400 nm to 900 nm with +4 to -4 diopter adjustment. NOXM50 has a minimum focal distance of 5.7 feet alongside 12.5 degrees angular field of view. The battery backup is really amazing. Depending on the infrared usage NOXM50 can provide 45 to 100 hours of company without any obstruction. The unit also comes with a hand strap and robust molded plastic focus ring. The NOXM50 is the most rugged monocular product available in the market equipped with latest optic technology.
For surveillance kinds of job, you can well depend on this awesome NOXM50 monocular with all confidence. This device would be the best unit you will ever play because of all the interesting and useful features it holds. You need not to compromise with the dark anymore when you are viewing from NOXM50. A pitch black area can be easily mapped with the help of IR light on this device.Activities like stealthy deer watching, bird watching from near distance, and monitoring the close activities of different natural creatures being a part of it in a complete silence.To be straightforward 5-Power NOXM50 can be used for all types of outdoor research activities. By all means NOXNOXM50 does a great job of amplifying a light without much extra weight.
Wherever you chose- Highlands, Far lands, Hills, or even in dense forest, this 5 power night vision monocular fits perfectly working on any geographies making your work much easy and better.
NOXM50 Night Vision Monocular overrules other competitive high mag device in-terms of quality and the features it contains. So, choosing this device will be your perfect and wise decision for the type of work it does