Rosacea Symptoms, Methods of Rosacea treatment and more
- 1 Rosacea Affected Population and demogrpahics
- 2 Introduction to Rosacea
- 3 Rosacea in Media
- 4 Rosacea Symptoms: How to know you got Rosacea
- 5 How to Diagnose Rosacea
- 6 Rosacea lookalike conditions: Other health conditions that must not be confused for Rosacea
- 7 Rosacea Subtypes
- 8 How to prevent Rosacea Flare Ups
- 9 Rosacea Medications, cleansers and other Rosacea treatment methods
- 10 Best Rosacea Oil for Rosacea healing
Rosacea as many of you may know is a condition that is characterized by facial erythema or redness or sometimes pimples. Rosacea affects people of all age groups and has four subtypes, three of which affect the skin and the fourth affects the eyes which is also called the ocular type. Rosacea is quite a common chronic and can-like skin condition, the symptoms of which are tiny red pimples and fine red lines on the face.
Rosacea which is pronounced as “roh-zay-sha” is chronic and potentially life disruptive disorder which primarily affects the facial skin and is characteriszed by flare ups and remissions. In most of the cases it begins after 30 years of age as a redness on the cheeks, nose chin or forehead that may come or go. IN some cases, it can also affect the neck, chest, scalp or as mentioned earlier, the eye.
Rosacea Affected Population and demogrpahics
Rosacea is a common condition and affects a large number of people all over the world. As per the data from 2010, rosacea affected approximately 16 million people in the United States alone and over 45 million worldwide. Caucasians with fair skin are more prone to Rosacea as most of the cases are found in people with these characteristics.
Rosacea is mainly common in people of Northerwestern Europe origin. Some British and Irish also call it the ‘curse of the Celts’.
Rosacea in women is more common than in men. Statistically, it is common in women almost three times more than men.
Introduction to Rosacea
Rosacea in Media
Rosacea Symptoms: How to know you got Rosacea
Rosacea is easily distinguishable. Rosacea’s symptoms can however vary from one individual to another and in many cases, all of the known symptoms may be seen in the affected person. Here are some of the major Rosacea symptoms that you should know about.
Here are some of the typical signs of rosacea:
- Flushing or frequent blushing. The redness on the face may come and go and this is one of the earliest signs of this disorder.
- The skin may be clear for some weeks, months or even years and then erupt again.
- It evolves in various stages and primarily appears as an inflammation of the skin of the face, the forehead as well as cheeks, nose and chin.
- Small blood vessles may become visible in some cases
- Another Rosacea symptom is eye irritation. Additionally the eyes may appear watery or bloodshot and the eyelids may become red and swollen.
- Stinging sensation on the face with itching or a feeling of tightness.
- The facial skin may appear as rough and may be very dry.
- One of the important and diagnosable Rosacea symptom is appearance of red colored patches known as plaques that may develop without any noticeable change on the surrounding skin.
- Thickening of the skin is a common symptom of rosacea. It may additionally enlarge from excess tissue on the nose. This is called rhinophyma. Rhinophyma rosacea connection is more commonly seen in men rather than women.
How to Diagnose Rosacea
Rosacea is diagnosed based on one or more of the symptoms mentioned above. It is usually and most conveniently diagnosed based on the typical redness on the skin and the blushed facial skin appearance. The symptoms of easy blushing and flushing is the easiest way to diagnose Rosacea. Normally, you wouldn’t need a physican’s skill to know that you have the condition. The symptoms are so stark that it will be hard to unsee them. However, the best way to know is when you see all the different symptoms at the same time.
However that said, some people may not associate their redness or flushing with Rosacea or any medical condition because for some, the condition comes and goes within days. There are dermatologists and physicans specialized in Rosacea diagnosis who can easily tell if its Rosacea. Generally no tests are needed to be taken for the diagnosis.
In some cases though, a skin biopsy is required to confirm rosacea diagnosis. In some cases, a noninvasisve test which is called a skin scrapping is performed by the dermatologist to help exclude a skin mite infestation by Demodex which in appearance is similar to rosacea.
Rosacea Diagnosis is also done through skin culture which can help rule out on other causes of skin bumps such as herpes or staph infections. Blood tests are a rarity but they may be occasionally used to exclude the less common causes of facial blushing and flushing including systemic lupus, dermatmyositis etc.
Rosacea lookalike conditions: Other health conditions that must not be confused for Rosacea
There are many other conditions that may produce some identical conditions as Rosacea does. Some of the Rosacea look alike conditions are Staph infections, demodex folliculitis, acne vulgaris, seborrheic dermatitis etc. A full list of skin conditions that may resemble Rosacea in symptoms are as follows:
- Eczema
- Certain types of allergies
- Allergic conjunctivitis
- Seborrheic dermatitis
- Systemic lups erythematosus
- Allergic dermatitis
- Acne vulgaris
- Demodex folliculitis
- Perioroal dermatitis and more
Rosacea Subtypes
There are mainly four types of Rosacea which are as follows:
Type 1 : Erythematotelangiectatic rosacea
This is the type of Rosacea which is characterized by flushing and persistent redness of the skin. In some cases, it may include some visible red blood vessles.
Type 2: Papulopustular Rosacea
This is characterized by persistent redness with bumps and pimpes
Type 3: Phymatous Rosacea
This is characterized by thickening of the skin and also results in the enlargement of nose which is due to the excess tissue.
Type 4:Ocular Rosacea
This rosacea is known to show manifestations such as dry eye with tearing and burning sensation, recurrent styes etc.
One patient at a time may get multiple types of Rosacea and also may develop them in succession. Each Rosacea type be it erythematotelangiectatic or papulopustular or phymatous rosacea or ocular rosacea may may have mild to severe symptoms.
How to prevent Rosacea Flare Ups
What is the best way to lessen Rosacea Flare ups? The best way is to find the triggers that bring about the symptoms in your body so that you can control them and prevent it from getting worse. If you see basic redness, its best to apply some mild cleansers that don’t have negative side effects.
You should know your triggers; ie the things that cause your flare ups. If you are of the habit of keeping a diary, it will help you keep track of the things that you did throughout the day or in the last couple of days. Then you can tally it with the days when you didn’t develop rosacea and then compare the list of things done so that you can get an idea on what might have caused the flare ups.
Protection of the skin for Rosacea prevention is very important. You should stay out of direct sunlight when it is at highest intensity i.e. between 10am to 4pm. It may not be possible to stay so secluded from sunlight so if you need to be out in the sun, protect your face properly with a hat or visor.
It is also very important to take care of your eyes. Make sure to wash your eyelids with clean water or use artificial tears if your eyes stay dry most of the time. Before applying any medication on the eyes, you must consult an expert or a doctor
Rosacea Medications, cleansers and other Rosacea treatment methods
There are various kinds of medications available for the treatment of the bumps and pimples that result due to Rosacea. There are many different treatment choices for Rosacea depending on the severity of the symptoms. Antibacterial washes, Rosacea creams, Rosacea antiobiotic pills, lasesr and pulsed light therapies are some of the different types of treatment measures available for Rosacea.
Some experts say that there is no particular treatment for Rosacea. Mild rosacea in fact may not require treatment at all if the individual isn’t much troubled by the condition. So in such cases a combination of various treatment approaches may be administered to the patient. It may include proper washing with sulfa wash twice a day, applying certain antibacterial creams.
Rosacea Light therapy treatment
Laser, intense pulsed light or photodynamic therapies are also used in combination with other treatment methods for Rosacea. This is mainly used for the treatment of redness caused due to tiny blood vessles.
Irritated eyes caused due to ocular rosacea can be treated with artificial tears of prescription eyedrops.
Cosmetic Surgery
Thickened nose needs to be treated through cosmetic surgery. The thickening can also be seen on other parts of the face. This symptom is generally seen in males.
Cleansers for Rosacea Treatment
There are many cleansers that provide relief and control over rosacea. However, harsh soaps should be avoided and gentle type of cleansers should be used as much as possible to cause less irritation. One can use Cetaphil for Rosacea or use Sulfa based washes like Rosanil and Benzoyl peroxide washes for Rosacea treatment.
Best Rosacea Oil for Rosacea healing
There are many different types of oils that are available for the treatment of rosacea. One such oil is the Rosacea Treatment Alternative Oil by Healing Natural Oils. The Healing Natural Oils by Amoils is an FDA registered and USA manufactured product that uses homeopathic and essential oil platn extracts. As it is an all natural oil that plays gentle on the skin, it has no side effects or any other irritational effects.
Rosacea Oil known as H Rosacea Formula by Healing Natural Oils is mainly made to heal the redness on your skin and the blotchiness. This Rosacea oil is a natural way to deal with Rosacea without having to deal with any harmful chemicals that may irritate the skin. Of course, with some Rosacea medications, there may come side effects, even with consultation from a Doctor. But natural treatments like the natural Rosacea oil have no harmful additives and therefore, no harmful side effects to the skin.
This oil wilis applied tropically and is gentle to the skin. It won’t cause any irritation or itching or burning sensation. You can use this Rosacea formula on Pre Rosacea, Vascular Rosacea or Inflammatory rosacea.
The H Rosacea Oil Ingredients and working mechanism
This oil is made up of homeopathic ingredients that have been tested and refined through years of research and implementation. Therefore, you will achieve a blemish free and more youthful appearance. You can apply it directly to your Rosacea infected areas on the skin three times a day using a cotton piece or your finger. You can simply apply just a few drops. Many call it the best Rosacea oil because it is gentle on the skin and is also safe for children over four years of age.
Who shouldn’t use it
Pregnant or nursing women shouldn’t use this product.
Rosacea Oil Results
The results seen after the application of Rosacea oil may vary from person to person. In some cases, one may expect to see the results in relatively short period while it may take longer in some other cases. If your Rosacea is of mild type, you will start seeing some gentleness in your skin within a week or two. Visible outbreaks will take time to disappear completely. However, it may take generally from a few days to a couple of weeks to control the symptoms and effects using this Rosacea Oil. However, it’s the best Rosacea oil out there and its hard to find another natural ingredient laden product that shows good and effective results that quick.
Rosacea Oil Ingredients
As mentioned earlier the Rosacea Oil is made up of all natural ingredients which are as follows:
H Rosacea Formula Ingredients:
Active Ingredients:
- Belladonna 6C
- Nux vomica 12C
- Corylus avellana nut oil
- Essential Oil Blend (Cupressus sempervirens leaves & twigs
- Daucus carota seed
- Helichrysum italicum flower
- Lavandula officinalis flower bud
- Matricaria recutita flower
- Melaleuca alternifolia leaf-branch,
- Pelargonium graveolens whole plant
Inactive Ingredients:
H Rosacea oil is one of the most popular and widely used healing natural oils for Rosacea and it shows very good effects. The product comes with a full 90 day money back guarantee. You can check out their hordes of reviews on Google or their website to get an idea on the effectiveness of the product. Click here to buy it from the vendors website now.