TT-AL16 Dimmable Timmer Review

You will be impressed with the stunning lights with great color intensity which are both suitable for corals and fish plus moisture free environment. The lights are highly operative and cost effective compared to other lightning system.Also, the fans are super quiet and do a great job of venting the warmer air out of the hood area keeping the fixture always cool.


The Intense LED present in TT-AL16 is to make a constant distribution of light throughout the aquarium.TT-AL16 is appropriate for both fresh water and salt water with great dimmers.There is also, 3watt Led and 90 degree optical Lens to increase the PAR value.Plenty of light penetration and plenty of light, very deep blues and great shimmer have brought out the best colors of salt water fish and the color spectrum of the whites and blues are pretty decent. Besides, TT-AL16 will also help to minimize the heat factors. The Shimmer effect of TT-AL16 Dimmable Timmer works amazing.Even at the low setting it appears much brighter than old nova extreme 4 bulb t5 setup and at a full 100% blue/white the light shines crazy bright and shines to the deepest part of the tank.

Moonlight pattern consists of 120 watt dimmable along with inner digital timer controlling the different channels. The fans won’t be running when the moonlight is ON letting you to enjoy the quiet and peaceful night.Also, if you are looking for LED lights and like to avoid the high costs of the electricity then TT-AL16 Dimmable Timmer is the sensible option. Each panel of this dimmable timmer can be used for up to 68gallons but it can work for even larger setup on stronger lightning for more advanced corals, if needed.

This dimmable timer is ongoing due to its stainless or brass hardware components. Also, available in multiple eye-catching colors.

Your bird of paradise,torch, frogspawn, hammer, octospawn, duncan, montipora, zoanthid, xenia corals will all spread on the rock, will look bigger every day. There won’t be an algae problems due to the lightning. You can run each colors on separate timers and the light is well built and sturdy.The,hanging kit works perfectly. Complete dimming control from 100%to completely off.

More features, better quality, and better price. You will like to order this product for your future tank lightning needs.

The aquarium creature will really experience it interesting and full of spirit.
For cost, quality, features and ease of ordering, TT-AL16 is the type of product you are searching for.

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